Friday, 16 March 2012

Adventures in simplicity -the Three Pie Rule

I have heard it said that if you are a preparing a speech, it's worth considering that people can rarely retain more than 3 points for any length of time. Rather like goldfish ..but 3 times as intelligent. Go us!
Continuing discussions on the simple life, it has been suggested that part of the trick is being contented with doing less, and doing it well. However as those of you who know me would confirm, I am one for having my fingers in a lot of pies - my favorite one being the headless chicken pie.. mm tasty. But I'm going to propose to myself and others who wish to try it, the all new 'The 3 Pie Rule'. ..

  • Select those things you feel really connected and called to at this time (if necessary write a list)
  • Reduce to 3 areas of focus.. have a good smell of those 3 tasty pies
  • Then stick your fingers right in (arms if you like) and feel no guilt for the other pies - someone will eat them -or you will eat them later ;-)
And note how I have tried to squeeze my 3 pie recipe into 3 points and remember them, you gorgeous goldfish you..

Monday, 12 March 2012

Keeping life simple ;)

'Abbey National- because life is complicated enough' you remember the ad campaign?..Abbey National is now Santander! And that's just it really - it's hard to keep things simple when the world around us is in constant flux and change. So when a dear friend launched the question at me last week of  'How do we keep life simple?' I was more than happy to chew upon the bone and invite others to do the same.
I think what I perceive as a generalised hunger for simplicity in our society, comes from the ever increasing range of choices open to us as modern man. In the arena of choice we are blessed with options and cursed with the fear that we will take the wrong one. Thus we experience a constant state of consumer anxiety and not just for material products but for life products too. 'Happiness' 'well-being' 'success' are the new more elusive acquisitions which we spend our time and energy searching for.
We rarely experience the simple connectedness to earth and survival, community and solidarity that we imagine our ancestors did and some of our contemporaries may still. But we cannot go back. The new 'simples' must find a way to navigate the complexities of modern society without negating it or escaping it.
I think to find this simplicity we must look within. Search in the core of our being, for the basic principles that guide us and bring us alive and live from those. 'The simple way' may involve letting go of the quest for happiness well-being and success as products in themselves. It may involve a new humility that accepts our inability to sew-up and conquer reality by making all the right choices and learns how to wonder at it instead. And  learns we are loved, not itemised.
To be continued...

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

El pan de cada dia - Daily bread

Living in Spain is making me more 'bread-aware'. Bread is a big deal here. Bread with every meal. Bread required everyday. Fresh. If you take a wander down any Spanish street at around 2 you will see people carrying bread to their respective houses for lunch- a sight I have grown very fond of. Opening a bakery is far from a foolish plan.

I think of the biblical prayer 'Give us today our daily bread' and realise that the culture of the time was probably very 'bread-conscious' also, knowing it as central or essential part of their daily sustenance.

In my house we buy or make fresh bread everyday and if there is some left over we share it for supper. I turn my mind to the bread of spiritual sustenance and realise it is the same..we need it fresh.. daily.. and big enough to share. So go fetch, make, share. May our words and thoughts be nourishment to the weary and good company to the friend.