
Thank you

Thank you for this new day
Your Spirit
The routine miracles
Sun waking
Daily bread
Each breath breathing
Oxygen red
And the surprises
Yet unseen
Power given
Gifts opening
Your presence

:) Amen

An invitation

Guide me today
As I smile, as I speak
Guide me today

Guide me today
As I think, as I seek
Guide me today

Hold me today
As I watch as I learn
Hold me today

Hold me today
As I long as I yearn
Hold me today


Peace Prayer

Carry the Peace of God to your enemy
And let him know friendship
Carry the Peace of God to your fear
And let it know courage
Carry the Peace of God to your lands
And let them know safety
Carry the Peace of God to your despised
And let them know worth
Carry the Peace of God to your loved ones
And let them know joy
Carry the Peace of God to your heart
And let it rest the night
In the company of love and hope
Wake in the morning
And let the Peace of God greet you



Pilgrim Prayer

Grant us the strength
To carry your blessing from
This place to the next
May we be at home in any land
For all the earth is yours
And, with our hopes set on You,
Live also as aliens in all lands
May the lamp of Your Word
Guide our feet on the paths of life


Filter our faith
Until we are left
With all that we need
The open arms of God


Almighty God
To whom all hearts are open
All desires known
And from whom no secrets
Are hidden
Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts
By the inspiration of your Holy Spirit
That we may perfectly love You
And worthily magnify
Your Holy Name