Friday, 4 January 2013

What next?

What next? It's a kind of New Yeary question that seems to emerge after Christmas as surely as a turkey burp. And yet this year I've felt a rumbling within that has lead me away from this question for once, and towards a whole new way of thinking.

It strikes me that we live in a very linear way, fair enough really, as we find ourselves projected through space on the irreversible arrow of time. But I question whether the deeper life, the life of the soul is actually on this same trajectory or operates in this way at all.

We can go through life like a kind of tick box road map exercise, seen that, done that, achieved that, what next? what more? we ask, as forwards and forwards we go cramming in the acolades before the time runs out. However this New Year when I came up for air, out of the wrapping paper and mince pie frenzy, I found myself  wanting to look in a completely different direction ... How about sideways? at the people and things around me, gifts already given, perhaps needing more apreciation, or, how about down? at the depth and meaning of it all.

 I'm wondering if I sometimes lack time for people, for beauty, for art, for reflection cos they are just not fast enough. So for now, I'm going to experiment with throwing away the road map (think I may have already fallen of it anyway) and try to slow up and take a look round.

I think I've been lane swimming in a soup (not literally - thats gross). There is a lot to explore and I sense that under the surface the eternal currents of the soul might carry us to new adventures if we could only dive deep enough to catch the flow.