But do you know what? I’m not gonna concern myself with that right now. What I’m thinking about in this post is not actually to do with my material lightness, but rather my lightness of being. What’s in my head and in my heart and am I carrying excess baggage? I think I hold onto a lot of stuff in my head ‘just in case’, it’s like I’ve got old attitudes and mind sets filed away ready. Disappointments for example, even when they have been resolved, get stored for rainy days so that if something else goes wrong it will be in good company.
I was very interested in an article in the paper the other day of a female author of a certain age who said she felt it was a misnomer to say that experience equates to wisdom. Experience can actually make you bitter and slower to try new things, experience can make you more judgemental, all depending on how you are able to process that experience. Processing, by nature, means a transforming and filtering of your reality and sometimes a throwing away of the unnecessary or unhelpful.
‘Let all your experiences be washed by love’ this involves forgiveness, acceptance and a letting go. To have memories is not wrong but how we hold them might shape how we create new ones. If I nostalgically hoard offenses in order to justify my own negativity or failures I am only stuffing up my own head.
What would you rescue in a fire if a fire happened in your head? Hopefully what you learned and what you loved … or as an old fave song of mine goes …
‘A lightness in my Spirit a joy that knows no limit, here in the Grace of God I stand’