Compassion vs competition, ironic that even in the title of this post, some rivalry is implied. But really they are very distinct concepts, with a similar root. Competition also comes from something we have in common, a shared 'petition' or need. The difference is in how we approach it. In competition there is a sense that there is only one winner: if you get your request met, there is a danger that I wont. We fight over the last scrap of bread or the top spot.
With compassion however we are all winners and we are all losers. We share the experience of life with all its beauty and peril. Your less is not my more.
Competition is a fear response to the survival situation we have been launched into since birth and we are taught it everywhere, in school, in leisure, in the media, at work. So much so, it is hard to unravel it from our psyche. We are scared there is not enough, or that we are not enough, the open hand becomes clenched and we tough it out.
The path of compassion has a different mentality at its core. Yes we all have needs, but that is not a motive to fight but rather to share, the suffering and the joy of this crazy situation we find ourselves in. Rather than worrying about what people might take from us, we are called to give.
Where are we all going in such a rush? Life is not a race ... no one is getting there first. How we live is the essence of life, the prize the love we experience along the way ...